Monday, June 4, 2007

I got tagged by YYH!

For the second time, i got tagged. This is tagged by Grandson YHui. Go check out his blog. He has very own opinions on every Q of this post.

Here u go,

5 Things found in my bag: 1. Purse 2. Mobile 3. Handkerchief 4. Home keys 5. Bottle of Water

5 Things found in my purse/wallet: 1. Monash Student ID 2. My card 3. Cash notes (mostly dark blue, running out of money this month) 4. A string requested from guan-yin temple 5. Random cards for shopping

5 Favourite things in your room: 1. My slumberland 2. Half-cacat Laptop 3. Messy cupboards 4. Doggie boy the pet 5. Everything on my dressing table

5 Types of humans:
1. CEO, Carefree, Elated Organism. They enjoy life to the fullest. They plan to succeed. Brave, tough and willing to take risk without anxiety. Since life is short, why don't you give a try on every opportunities.
2. MCC, Mong Cha Cha. No one can read through their mind. Random change, random decision, random thoughts. Miserable is their middle name. Nobody cares if they are miserable, they might as well be happy. (somebody's quote)
3. NATO, No Action Talk Only. Their job is to give out commands with the mouth, and credit goes into them automatically.
4. MAS, Mana Ada System. They do not have goal of life. They have nothing to achieve. Not organising or even planning for their future. They live today like no tomorrow.
5. DEL, Desperate For Love. They seem like cant live without close-companion. They are looking for love desperately and yet ask for more. Attend some parties just for drawing closer to hot hunks or chicks. No love no life is a phrase sticks on their forehead.

5 Things you've always wanted to do:
1. To get a car license plus a car.
2. To strike lottery with chests of money.
3. Tour around each corner of the world with only backpack and myself.
4. To be a superwoman with peak career.
5. Get a kind man, build a happy family.

5 Things you're currently into:
1. Contructing the path of my life.
2. Running away from stress.
3. Changing the way of hardcore-revision on final.
4. Fixing internal and external matters.
5. Shop for more and more and more to fulfill my desires.

5 People you tag:
1. Jia Yeng
2. Chin Ying
3. Jac
4. Sherene
5. Pauline (u again. Ahaha =D)

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