Saturday, November 29, 2008

Geography lesson.

Let me ask you a geographical question. How many states are there in Malaysia? Can you name them all?

I show you visually. 11 states in West Malaysia. 2 states in East Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. Total up 13 of them all.

See the diagram below, There are the 13 states within the boundary of rectangular dash line. The one with heart shape, there is my beloved home state, Sabah. And my hometown is located at the east coast, Sandakan.

My story is.....
I was at the 7-11 to fax my industrial training letter back to hometown. I asked the store keeper if their fax service can fax my stuff to Sabah.

Store keeper: tak boleh. luar malaysia tak boleh.

luar malaysia??? what you say??? you know sabah???? I can't believe that there are people still does not know that other than the ubi Peninsula, there are actually a dog head Sabah and a its body Sarawak. We named Peninsula + Sabah + Sarawak as Malaysia.

Go back to your Primary school, People!

p/s: I will be going back to my hometown to do the industrial training. Proposed to leave next week, coming back end of Jan.
p/p/s: the factory is located 72 miles away from downtown. might be shortage of internet access. How am i gonna survive there? hmmmmmm start downloading more dramas, more movies and more games i guess.

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