Thursday, March 27, 2008


OH hey people, i know this will be a late annoucement, just wanna let you people out there to know that, i am actually having term break or also known as easter break for a week. For Monash students, Holiday is a term which does not lead to relaxation. It is time to catch up all the syllabus and prepare for mid-term test, what the heck. Apa ni~~~~ Belajar di Monash memang begitu, buat sampai mati XD

Well, what did i do for all these days was to clean up the super duper messy room. Threw away 2 big bags of papers and accumulated rubbish. Seriuosly, up to some time, my room would become a rubbish recirculation center, where all the rubbish buckles up, will either be reuse, recycle or throw straight away. Don't get disgusted!!! Only papers, clothings, plastics, boxes, electronics are in, NO OTHER THAN THESE! of cause no creepy insects k.....

When i was halfway dabao rubbish, i kept all my letters received into a shoe box. Wow, i have a box full of letters accumulated all these years! Just friends common letters and cards, no lovey lovey thingy inside. Back to those days, me and my overseas friends (eg. from sabah, apart by the south china sea) used to keep in touch with this kinda snail mail. Words by words sharing each others' recent happenings. I will get excited when postman inserted letter with my name on it into my mailbox. Ohhhhhh I miss writing letters, but i am so lazy hold pen except writing for homework right now. Actually I am the one who did not reply people's letters, so people never write letter to me already. I am so so so sorry about that, time does not allow me to do so. What can i do? :SAs you know, this snail mail hardly replaced by the most advanced technology. Do you think the emoticons in MSN could have the same expression meant in the letter?

I love to shop randomly. I love to buy those small things. I love to buy things, keep it instead of using it. If i have to keep all the little things i bought, there should be at least 4 to 5 big big black sewage bag FULL. There is a book, which i used it to pass messages to a friend of mine. We had argument in that book, and end up we kinda hate each other for quite some time. I was once very self-center, i had damn bad-tempered, i had over limit of self-confidence, i never accept objection and opinions, because of that incident, I am still trying hard to change my atittude from that moment. Until now, we both hardly talk like before. Haiz..... Friendship can be vulnerable, it depends on certain individuals, sometimes, when there is a wound, or maybe just a tiny bit, it could hardly heal. My mom always 'helps' me to throw away some stuffs secrectly. At the end, i left this box. Full of my very personal yih jing's stuffs. I think i need another shoe box, can anyone give me a box please?

And then on top on my cupboard, i found this. OMG. These are notes which my friends wrote to me upon leaving KC. When i read out, mostly decribing about my significant hairstyle, my bright laugh and my chubby-ness. Total zzzZZZ-ness. While reading, in tears....... Nothing more than true friends who had knew me for so long and so well.

I am always forgetful. So, I bought myself this. Personal notice board. I will pin up all those important reminders. But still, as friends, you should tell me whatever it is important, if i really do miss out the points. Thanks =)

Tadaaaaaaaaaaaa *drum rolls* A corner of my room, My cupboard and study table. I accept comment to do renovation on it. My dad had once promised me to subsidize me on renovating it. I wonder does he really mean it?

This month, we really spent too much on enjoyment. Just the beginning of the semester, most of us, empty pocket ady la. We went to redbox once.

Then we went to Paddington at 1U. Oh.. please do not go to 1U for paddington. The treasure box i had that days was not the same portion as in mid valley and the curve. The others served in big plate, 1U served in small ship-like bowl. wth.
Can you see salive dripping from ass's mouth? Just the beautiful picture in the menu could successfully seduced ass. Y ass, you are wayyyy too easy to be satisfied le bahhhhhhhhhhhhh..
Shock! Shock! BaoLi was shocked by the the volcano that served for 10 persons. She already ordered us to give Paddington's Menu as birthday present for her. She wants to hang up all the beautiful pancakes picture against the wall in her room worrrrrrrr.
Take a walk after meal. Rainforest at 1U is a great place to snap Snap SNAP! There we were~~
Actually, there were still several reasons that made us all broke this month. To spend money wisely, we plan our enjoy-good-food-plan ahead. Will update when the time comes. =)

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