Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lend you my shoulder.


(女):是否很惊讶 讲不出说话
没错我是说 你想分手吗
曾给你驯服到 就像绵羊
何解会反咬你一下 你知吗

(男):也许该反省 不应再说话
被放弃的我 应有此报吗
能否再让我 试一下 抱一下

(女):回头望 伴你走 从来未曾幸福过
(男):恨太多 没结果 往事重提是折磨
(女):下半生 陪住你 怀疑快乐也不多
(男):被我伤 让你痛
重头努力也坎坷 统统不要好过
为怨恨而分手 问你是否原谅我

(男):回头吧 不要走 不要这样离开我
恨太多 没结果 往事重提是折磨
(女):下半生 陪住你 怀疑快乐也不多
没有心 别再拖
重头努力也坎坷 统统不要好过
为怨恨而分手 问你是否原谅我
(女):若勉强也分到不多 不如什么也摔破 LALA
(男):好心分手 每天播
重头努力也坎坷 统统不要好过
为怨恨而分手 问你是否原谅我
(女):若注定有一点苦楚 不如自己亲手割破

That might not be the best choice. Yet it is still a better choice to settle the situation. Rather than just let 2 parties suffer. When that become a burden to anyone of you, why don't you just try to let it go. Maybe you will have better and clearer view on that. Somehow don't practically set a permanent conclusion to that yet, it might start another chapter in future. Who knows? Return to the origin, good for you, good for the other.
Take care. I know you will. I have faith in you.
Cheers =)

'The type of guy who doesn't see
What he has until she leaves
Don't let me go
Cause without me, you know you're lost
Wise up now or pay the cost
Soon you will know'
the potential breakup song-aly & aj

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