Friday, June 15, 2007


Item: Backpack
Brand: Converse
Colour: Wheat brown
Content: Jeans jacket, Purple water bottle, Umbrella, Pad
Location: Monash Library Rack
Time: around 11am
Remark: Bring this bag back to me immediately or damn u ham ka....... fu guei!!!

As you can see. My smart friends, should know what had happened to me.

Once upon this morning......
A girl owns a wheat brown colour Converse backpack. She happily left her bag on the library rack. She took out her purse, mp3 and handphone, carried along with her. Few hours later, nature's call, she took a leave to toilet. On the way to toilet, thirstiness rings the alarm. She turned around and looked for her bag. Frigtheningly, a black ugly Converse bag occupied the place where she kept. Something popped into her mind. Was there anyone fooling her. She searched all over the rack, and there was no sign of her bag. This must be a joke, she thought. She rushed to library and asked for help. The clerk gave her a form to fill in and brought her the way to CCTV room. Unfortunately, the nearest camera to the rack was not working. A friend reminded her to make report at the security department. After making all those reports, all she could do at this moment is sitting, hoping and waiting.

Such a pathetic story..... (im not good in putting those kata bunga)

That bag has unusual colour. I do not accept the excuse of mixing up yours and my bag.
That bag is heavy. It has no laptop inside, dude.
That leftover black bag, what do u mean, mr/ms thief?


KMay and JHan said, they are students in this campus for years. Few years back, they never heard of this case before. And it happened on me, a student studied here for less than 6-months!!! ARRRRRGHHHHHHHHH...... Geramnya!!!!

I feel like burning inside.


Wow. Proses System Analysis. Today's paper was damn rush. I kept pressing calculator at the beginning until the end. I felt this paper is not that torturing actually. I managed to solve all the calculation. Phew... Luckily, my mood was not terribly affected by the lost of my bag.

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