Argh.. my parents and frens are started to ask about my ‘love’ life. I just hv to say I am still searching for the right one. SQ blamed me: ”Won’t u send some signals to the guys outside?”. Hey people, I couldn’t find the one, how to send? Wan me to flirt around izit? Those guys in my class are just HOPELESS. As wat Lipsy quoted, status: single but not available. Yea. I am single, and I enjoy being single. Study is in priority. I just hope to graduate wt FIRST honour. That’s it!
Sasa, I am so regret for knowing u, and friend-ing with u for such a long time. Bully me la. Always order me to do this do that. Never buy souvenirs for me but then bring a lot of souvenirs for ur sing frens. Fine! No more outing when u come back to msia next time.
Lipsy’s newly-met fren, Jerome, is so cute!!!! She described him as a sissy boy, mix with girls all the time, likes to act cute, discuss about gal’s sensitive issues. But I think he is cute and nice! In his friendster profile and blog, u will know that, he is the type of blur guy. He came from kuching, arrrrr, same east msia lang!
KX said wan me to fwd this to Wei Seng, ‘unbeatable will pawn twism’s head someday, hahaha!’. KX was being bullied at her workplace. Her new collegue is damn bian tai. She keep letting KX see those 18sx stuffs, gay or lesbian stuffs. Still saying wanna demo to KX. Walao wat a Desperate girl. Her tauke, ah fat, lagi teruk. Doesn’t let her apply leaves smmore wanna cut her salary to cover the lost of those cny cards. Go sue her til drop her pants. KX, goreng her sotong, mou lou la, resign la!
Yippie. My holiday is coming in 1 week+ time. Call me to hang out somewhere else. I don wanna stay at home!
formula-R egg race, vehicle designed by chin ying and me. it ran 3.0m away. but other ppl's ran until 10+m away!!! *geram*
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