Thursday, February 24, 2011

I am looking for YOU!

Decision. Decision. Decision.

I hate making decision. I am afraid that I will regret someday.
You might think that how hard would that be to just decide a thing? Yes or No? just like Black and White? However, I always put myself in the Grey, between yes and no. Me stupid, I confused myself all the time.

Maybe just plainly because I think too much. At the end of the day, I lost my direction. I do not know what I want at the first place. Totally messed up my own mind.

Why do I think so much? come on laaaaaa, you are not prime minister, not that your decision will pull down the country.
Why do I care so much of others? harlo, it is for yourself, what to do with others?
*knock knock the brain*

Not only one, but quite a few of them, asked me before. why do you think so far away? think too much laaa you. that does not bring any better to you sometime, instead it may screw you yourself. well, i pretty agree with that, past experiences told me that, when i finally made up my mind, i watched the chance just slipped away from my hand. i was so regretted i never grip it tightly.

okok. decision made. hope it will be good =)

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