Friday, October 24, 2008

DIY cooking.

100 yen shop has just opened a new outlet in Taman Desa. Everything inside is selling at 100 yen which is 4.9o in ringgit. Well, I saw this. The readily-made raw flour for making pancakes!!!! That box in red.

As you can see, the instruction are written in japanese. What the hell i know about japanese. Luckily there are few pics there to illustrate the method.

The ingredients would be the pancake flour, milk and an egg.

Mix everything into a bowl. Stir it.

Stir well. I would say, if you want the pancake to taste softer put more milk.

Melt sufficient butter into the pan. It is recommended to melt the butter in low heat. I heard it from some of the cooking programme.

Pour a portion of the mixture into the pan.

That is the initial.

3-5 mins later, the final product. The colour is ugly. Teach me how to make the colour even.

Add abit of honey and a cube of butter. And enjoy!

Compare my pancakes to the photo shown at the flour box. A big difference right. I think a fixed mould can give a better shape to the pancake.

So why go to paddington? 20+ ringgit for a plate of dollar pancakes???

Save your money. Do it at your home.

actually pancakes taste nicer at paddington.

I made this ABC soup in the morning. boiled for few hours. I ate it for lunch. then i boiled the extra for dinner. I forgot to watch it. and... it ended up HANGUS. bad bad smell it was.

I nearly burned down the kitchen for a few times already. aiks.

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