Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Damn it.

The story i heard.

To be further clarified, basically, the abstract is like this.

H* drove a car to bukit bintang at one midnight. When H* was on the road, the car in front suddenly showed reverse light, press accelerator hardly. H* honked, oh well, two cars banged. The driver in front was a drunk man, B*. Two random persons came and offered help. Somehow that help was somewhat calling their big gang to start a fight. Unless H* pay them money. Patrol Mr P came.

'ada gaduh tak? oh tak ada.' drove away.

to settle this case without kena belasah by those people, H* paid.

Went to make report.

'sudah bayar kah? maksud sudah settled la!'

'orang itu mahu cari lawan'

'orang besar-besar, tak tahu lari?'

'kereta itu gostan tau?'

'biasanya hanya kereta belakang langgar depan, mana ada kereta depan langgar belakang, siapa boleh jadi saksi?'


'kawan tak boleh. siapa lagi?'

'tu guard dari sungei wang'

'okok pergi cari 10, 20 saksi datang'

Well, that was what i heard lo, whether it was really happened in such a way or what, as i said, to be further clarified.

IF it was true,

1- there are many tricky people out there, played dirty tricks to get money.
2- Don rely too much on Mr P.

Raya is coming, Beware of people asking for kopi.

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