Sunday, July 6, 2008

Around Peninsula 2008.

Pictures are nice to see, but the trip were not fun enough. I missed out alot of good things. oh well im gonna explain it why in each post.

In a week time, we drove across 7 states, (malacca, negeri sembilan, selangor, perak, pahang, penang, kedah), dropped by 5 places (malacca, genting, penang, langkawi, KL).

Participants of the trip:
The tourists - Uncle and auntie from HongKong.
The driver - Uncle from hometown.
The tour guide cum GPS - smartie me.

Because of different culture, my uncle and auntie had lotsa complaints about the place, weather, people and food. The place to stay is abit ulu because of budget, cant expect me to book you a president suite every night. I saved your money aunt! The weather is hot, due to the geographical reason, who to blame huh? The food in penang and malacca are nicer and cheaper. Why don't you give them a try without holding your breath while walking through the food stalls? Well, they said our food are smelly. And our place is dirty, do you know that good food hides in dirty place?

oh and more, my uncle criticized our malaysian style english, and it's the way i speak my e-n-g-l-i-s-h. Not only once, but everytime after i finish speaking. wth. at least i understand what people are talking about, and people understands what am i speaking, Unlike you uncle, you think your english is the best, but the fact that NOBODY UNDERSTANDS YOU. you know that? and please stop comparing our stuffs with either thailand, philipines or hongkong. Malaysia should has the style of Malaysia. If we have things exactly similar to them, why not we change to thai-phili-hongkee-sia?

To have fun in a trip, the group must be formed by a bunch of people with the same taste. People who knows to enjoy life. To enjoy the uniqueness of a culture. Willing to explore. Able to take adventurous risk. Being able to walk for long hours are very essential! Unless you have high budget enough to take taxi or to hire driver wherever you go.

Well, the only thing i love about that trip was, I did not have to contribute a cent for it, including my shopping. did not get to shop alot though. :'(

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