Thursday, July 5, 2007

Above L.O.V.E

Captured by a sensible photographer.
Ms Yeap Yun Lin.

This photograph pleased me when the first time i saw it. Do you notice the shadow underneath the ring? It shows a heart shape. In another words, at the back of the ring, should have a story of 2 linking hearts. A very own story for 2 connected individuals.

Now, try to take a closer look to the words at the back. (if you understand chinese). There is an 'ai' (PATHETIC) above 'ai' (LOVE). Ironic right?

What else is love but understanding and rejoicing in the fact that another person lives, acts, and experiences otherwise than we do…?

by Friedrich Nietzsche

Lately, my mum nagged I have to concentrate in study. My friends teased me i will be single and alone forever throughout my life. Yaya Whatever. Buck up, lots more exciting stuffs can be done!

How is the malacca trip?
I seriously have no idea.
Some confirmed going, last minute have something urgent on.
Some not confirmed going, already decided to show up.
Why obstacles have to appear in the middle of a smooth way?
Should i make it go on or call off?
Decision is not on my hand.

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