Sunday, May 20, 2007

Kiddie's Memory

Today im supposed to post some pics of my kiddie's moment. but since time is late, and scanner is not directly connected to my laptop. argh... tomoro only post my pics la... and frankly speaking, i look cute SINCE i was young!!! no doubt!!!

i got this from friendster bulletin,

Are you a child of the 70s, 80s, or90s?
80s. 1988, Year of dragon, Month of Libra, 6th day of October.

Where were you born?
Sandakan, Sabah, nature city, where sipilok situated in, the conserved-forest for orang-utan.

What city did you grow up in?
wow. my journey was very long.
Sandakan> Keningau> KK> Sandakan> Tawau> KL>????
can i move out of msia?

Did you enjoy your childhood?
Very enjoyable! No worries, no pain, no sorrows.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A vet. A dream which would not be fulfil at the moment. im going to be graduate with engineer cert in 4 years time. can somebody offer me a degree of vet??

What do you want to be now?
Chemical engineer. i guess. i never thought of i will take engineer at the past. i never like physics. but.... im gonna fall in LOVE with it by now. PHYSICS im gonna take u down!

Were you a fun little kid?
Yes! I was, I am, and I will. owez will. i have lotsa childhood memories which can stunned u.

What was your first best friend'sname?
Suk Ling. knew her since primary 3. still in touch wt her til now. miss her alot. she is going to penang for persuaing her study in biz admin.

Is he/she still your friend?
Yes. sms-ing all the time. i wont miscontact with any of my frens. i cant live without them! i rmb we form some kinda of family relationship in sch, Ka Huat is my kai ye, Suk Ling is my kai gu jie, Maxi is my kai dai. Ka Huat is ady here in KL.

Can you name all the schools you ever attended?
Rasa Sayang, St Margaret, Chong Wah Kinder, St James Pri, Syn Hua Pri, Sabah Chinese High, Kuen Cheng High, Taylor's Coll. wow. that's alot. coz i was moving around.

Were you closer to your mom or dadas a kid?
Same distance with papa and mama. No difference. Love and care for them, past, now and future.

What was the first record, tape or CD you remember buying?
Westlife, Coast to coast, Singapore version, and i lost it during the 4th time shifting my house.

How old is a good age to have kids?
Before 30. so that generation gap wont occur. thats wat i wish. will it come true, thats different say.

Are you scared of anything?
Height and Speed. no roller coaster, flying mate and space shot for me!

What was your favori!te subject in elementary school?
Math. I am so thankful to have good math teachers all the while.

Did you buy school lunch or bring your own?
Mostly brought my own. When feel extremely hungry, will buy at school canteen.

Broken any bones or had any freaky accidents as a kid?
No. bruishes, bleeding, and all those minor ones, owez happen to me. As i liked cycling with boys and went to ulu ulu place for fishing with my papa.

Were you a mean kid?
Yes. When i was in primary school. i used to be a super bitchy head prefect at school. i can koyak a whole stack of play cards which a collection of a junior, in front of him, and never pity him at all even he cried. That was so mean. But that is not me now.

Favorite board game of all time?
Monopoly. I din really read the rules and regulation til i played last with with G15-ian. last time i just played it blindly with cousins and sis.

Did you play house or pretend to be a super hero?
At about 3 year old, my idol was Ninja turtle. i got them all over my bag, books, bottle, pencil case, shoes, poster and all. Then after that shifted interest to Superman. i owez tied my blanket around my neck, and pretend to fly out the window. It never happened, as i stucked at the frame.

Seriously, are you still just a kid at heart?
Yes. Indeed. In heart. btw who is not?

so wat do u guys think about my childhood? interesting?
i find it very interesting, maybe when it compared to some kind of ppl, it was bored.
but those are the memories which i cherish the most.
if the history doesnt exist, wont have the Sen Yih Jing today standing steadily and tough in front of u!!!!

Remember me, I am SEN YIH JING!!!
*a superwoman wannabe*

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