Wednesday, April 4, 2007


While taking ktm to Mid Valley, an outstation couples are arguing with the coordinator of the train. Tickets problem I guess. Almost started a fight, the guy was so violent. I think it was due to the bad attitude of the guy causes the coordinate talking so harshly to him. That reminded me a thing my sis told me dew days ago. One day my sis confronted with a teacher. I guess my sis was acting very rude then her friends seek for apology from the teacher. Know what the teacher said, she said ;” I already got used to this attitude, she has the same attitude as her elder sis’. WHAT THE HECK. Since when did I been rude to her? That was 1 year, I, president of interact, she, teacher advisor, because of her keras kepala, she did not want to approve any of our projects. I tried to negotiate with her but it do not work. Maybe during the negotiation I was not in good-tempered or what. Somehow I did respect her as a teacher. I did nothing harsh to her. ARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHH. I did not want to explain anymore on that. I am sure anyone who knows me should know my attitude and personality.

Newton’s third law, when an object hits on a surface, there will be resultant force acting from the surface at the opposite direction. Applied on this case. If you did nothing to me, what’s the point I had to be rude to you? My mum said should thank her someday for letting me realize my bad attitude. NO THANK!

Beloved, TXY, had a bad day with her mum. XY, tried to talk to your mum in soft way. I am sure you can convince her someday. It takes time. Prove to her that you really really need it.

Watched mr bean’s holiday! It just simply lighted up my Monday! Haha~ I like the kid in that movie. What’s his name again? I only remember that he was shouting ‘Papa! Papa!’ all the way.

On the same day, I promised XY, YL and HY to help them pay the connection fee when I go to mid valley. I did not want to let my mum know that I was paying such high amount for my friend. So I tried to dig my angpao, drawers and any money possible places. Just 15 mins, I dig out 400+. I paid RM350. YL n HY, return me 35 pieces of RM10 notes can ady. I need to put it back into my angpaos. Hehe =P Shall meet you guys next Tuesday and get my money back! I need money to build my TOY CAR! (materials for my dynamics project)

ohhh 1 more thing. normally i often got fooled during april fool's. but not this year, coz i was staying at home and not meeting anyone. =D

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