Sunday, July 11, 2010

It is not said but I always know

Little House - Amanda Seyfried

I love this place
But it's haunted without you
My tired heart is beating so slow
Our hearts sing this
That we want it we want it
Our hearts sing 'cause
We do not know we do not know

To light the night
To help us grow
To help us grow
It is not said I always know)

You can catch me
Don't you run
Don't you run
If you live another day
In this happy little house
The fire's here to stay

To light the night
To help us grow
To help us grow
It is not said I always know)

Please don't make a fuss
It won't go away
The wonder of it all
The wonder that I make
I am here to stay
I am here to stay
To stay

This song gives me chill.
I haven't watch this movie yet, or it has not release yet?
I don't know. But I just watched the trailer, I wanna watch it so badly, or either read the book will do.
I think it's gonna be very touching!! It's gonna make me tear :'(

It's 5.16 am now, and i am so awake!!! haihhhhhhhhhh

Congrats to Germany who won the 3rd place!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


明明就是人嘛 总是一大群里 分成一小撮 一小撮

人有群分 物以类聚
合则聚 不合则散

志趣相投 志同道合
拥有共同话题 兴趣 想法 就变成那一小撮
毕竟哪种默契 思想 文化 需要时间来磨练

年级相若 何有思想之别?

朋友都说 长越大 越没有哪个动力去认识新朋友 就连旧朋友也懒得应酬
人越大 要考虑的事情越多 根本就没有哪个闲情去调节那个思想差异
人变得孤僻 找个可以聊得来的伴也没几个 倾向与世隔绝

社交圈不需大 但要广
同手足不需多 但要真

聊得来 大可深交
聊不来 片面之交
